Letter V
Packages beginning with letter "V".
- VirtualBox-kmodsrc - VirtualBox kernel module source code
- vala - A modern programming language for GNOME
- vala-devel - Development files for vala
- vala-doc - Documentation for vala
- vala-panel - Vala rewrite of SimplePanel.
- vala-panel-appmenu - This package provides Application Menu plugin for vala-panel
- vala-panel-devel - Development files for vala-panel
- vala048 - A modern programming language for GNOME
- vala048-devel - Development files for vala048
- valadoc - Vala documentation generator
- valadoc-devel - Development files for valadoc
- vapoursynth-devel - Development files for vapoursynth
- vapoursynth-libs - VapourSynth's core library with a C++ API
- vapoursynth-tools - Extra tools for VapourSynth
- vdr-markad - Advanced commercial detection for VDR
- vdr-mpv - A mpv player plugin for VDR
- vdr-skindesigner - A VDR skinning engine that displays XML based Skins
- vdr-skindesigner-data - Icons xml files for vdr-skindesigner
- vdr-softhddevice - A software and GPU emulated HD output device plugin for VDR
- veritysetup - A utility for setting up dm-verity volumes
- video-downloader - Download videos from websites like YouTube and many others
- vim-powerline - Powerline VIM plugin
- vimix-gtk-theme - A flat Material Design theme for GTK3, GTK2 and GNOME-Shell etc.
- vimix-gtk-theme-amethyst - Amethyst color variant of Vimix theme
- vimix-gtk-theme-beryl - Beryl color variant of Vimix theme
- vimix-gtk-theme-doder - Doder color variant of Vimix theme
- vimix-gtk-theme-grey - Grey color variant of Vimix theme
- vimix-gtk-theme-jade - Jade color variant of Vimix theme
- vimix-gtk-theme-ruby - Ruby color variant of Vimix theme
- vimix-icon-theme - An improved icon theme based on Paper-Icon-Theme
- vimix-icon-theme-amethyst - Amethyst color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vimix-icon-theme-beryl - Beryl color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vimix-icon-theme-black - Black color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vimix-icon-theme-doder - Doder color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vimix-icon-theme-jade - Jade color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vimix-icon-theme-ruby - Ruby color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vimix-icon-theme-white - White color variant of Vimix icon theme
- vino - A remote desktop system for GNOME
- vips - C/C++ library for processing large images
- vips-devel - Development files for %{name
- vips-doc - Documentation for vips
- vips-tools - Command-line tools for vips
- vlc - The cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server
- vlc-bittorrent - Bittorrent plugin for VLC
- vlc-core - VLC media player core
- vlc-devel - Development files for vlc
- vlc-extras - VLC media player with extras modules
- vnstat - Console-based network traffic monitor
- volume_key - An utility for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
- volume_key-devel - A library for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
- volume_key-libs - A library for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
- volumeicon - Lightweight volume control for the system tray
- vpnc - IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
- vpnc-consoleuser - Allows console user to run the VPN client directly
- vpnc-script - Routing setup script for vpnc and openconnect
- vsqlite++ - Well designed C++ sqlite 3.x wrapper library
- vsqlite++-devel - Development files for vsqlite++
- vsqlite++-doc - Development documentation for vsqlite++
- vte-profile - Profile script for VTE terminal emulator library
- vte291 - Terminal emulator library
- vte291-devel - Development files for vte291