Letter T
Packages beginning with letter "T".
- tanglet - Word finding game
- tanglet-data - Shared files for tanglet
- tcsh - An enhanced version of csh, the C shell
- tea - TEA text editor
- tela-circle-black-icon-theme - A black variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-blue-icon-theme - A blue variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-brown-icon-theme - A brown variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-dracula-icon-theme - A Dracula variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-green-icon-theme - A green variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-grey-icon-theme - A grey variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-icon-theme - A circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-nord-icon-theme - A nord variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-orange-icon-theme - A orange variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-pink-icon-theme - A pink variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-purple-icon-theme - A purple variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-red-icon-theme - A red variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-circle-yellow-icon-theme - A yellow variant circle Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme - A Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-black - A black variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-blue - A blue variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-brown - A brown variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-dracula - A dracula variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-green - A green variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-grey - A grey variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-nord - A Nord palette variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-orange - A orange variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-pink - A pink variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-purple - A purple variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-red - A red variant Material Design icon theme
- tela-icon-theme-yellow - A yellow variant Material Design icon theme
- tetzle - A jigsaw puzzle game
- thingy - Document Manager app
- thunar-archive-plugin - Archive plugin for the Thunar file manager
- thunar-media-tags-plugin - Media Tags plugin for the Thunar file manager
- thunar-shares-plugin - Thunar file manager extension to share files using Samba
- thunar-vcs-plugin - Version Contol System plugin for the Thunar filemanager
- tig - Text-mode interface for the git revision control system
- timedatex - D-Bus service for system clock and RTC settings
- timeshift - System restore tool for Linux
- tin - Basic Internet news reader
- tinyxml2 - Simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
- tinyxml2-devel - Development files for tinyxml2
- tomcli - CLI for working with TOML files
- tor - Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (The onion router)
- tor-sysvinit - Sysvinit script for tor
- transfig - Utility for converting FIG files (made by xfig) to other formats
- transmission - A lightweight GTK+ BitTorrent client
- transmission-cli - Transmission command line implementation
- transmission-common - Transmission common files
- transmission-daemon - Transmission daemon
- transmission-gtk - Transmission GTK interface
- transmission-qt - Transmission Qt interface