Letter U
Packages beginning with letter "U".
- uClibc-devel - Header files and libraries for uClibc library
- uberftp - GridFTP-enabled ftp client
- ucommon - Portable C++ framework for threads and sockets
- ucommon-bin - GNU uCommon system and support applications
- ucommon-devel - Headers for building GNU uCommon applications
- ucommon-doc - Generated class documentation for GNU uCommon
- udiskie - Removable disk auto-mounter
- udns - DNS resolver library for both synchronous and asynchronous DNS queries
- udns-devel - Header files, libraries and development documentation for udns
- ugrep - Ultra fast grep with interactive query UI
- uhttpmock - HTTP web service mocking library
- uhttpmock-devel - Development files for uhttpmock
- uhttpmock-doc - Documentation files for uhttpmock
- umockdev - Mock hardware devices
- umockdev-devel - Development packages for umockdev
- unbound - Validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver
- unbound-devel - Development package that includes the unbound header files
- unbound-libs - Libraries used by the unbound server and client applications
- unbound-munin - Plugin for the munin / munin-node monitoring package
- unetbootin - Create bootable Live USB drives for a variety of Linux distributions
- unicode-emoji - Unicode Emoji Data Files
- unicode-ucd - Unicode Character Database
- unicode-ucd-unihan - Unicode Han Database
- unifont - Tools and glyph descriptions in a very simple text format
- unifont-fonts - Unicode font with a glyph for every visible BMP code point
- unifont-viewer - Graphical viewer for unifont
- unit - NGINX Unit application server
- unit-devel - NGINX Unit (development files)
- unoconv - A tool to convert documents from/to any format supported by LibreOffice
- unpaper - Post-processing of scanned and photocopied book pages
- unpaper-tests - Tests for unpaper
- upower - Power Management Service
- upower-devel - Headers and libraries for UPower
- upower-devel-docs - Developer documentation for for libupower-glib
- upower-libs - Client libraries for UPower
- upx - Ultimate Packer for eXecutables
- uriparser - URI parsing library - RFC 3986
- uriparser-doc - HTML documentation for uriparser
- urlscan - Extract and browse the URLs contained in an email (urlview replacement)
- urlwatch - A tool for monitoring webpages for updates
- usbguard - A tool for implementing USB device usage policy
- usbguard-dbus - USBGuard D-Bus Service
- usbguard-devel - Development files for usbguard
- usbguard-tools - USBGuard Tools
- usbutils - Linux USB utilities
- util-linux - A collection of basic system utilities
- uuidd - Helper daemon to guarantee uniqueness of time-based UUIDs