This group includes a minimal set of packages. Useful for creating small router/firewall boxes, for example.
- NetworkManager - Network connection manager and user applications
- NetworkManager-tui - NetworkManager curses-based UI
- NetworkManager-wifi - Wifi plugin for NetworkManager
- NetworkManager-wwan - Mobile broadband device plugin for NetworkManager
- PackageKit-yum-plugin - Tell PackageKit to check for updates when yum exits
- aspell-es - Spanish dictionaries for Aspell
- at - Job spooling tools
- bolt - Thunderbolt device manager
- cyrus-sasl-plain - PLAIN and LOGIN authentication support for Cyrus SASL
- dbus - D-BUS message bus
- di - A is a disk information utility
- dump - Programs for backing up and restoring ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems
- firewalld - A firewall daemon with D-Bus interface providing a dynamic firewall
- gnupg2 - Utility for secure communication and data storage
- gnupg2-smime - CMS encryption and signing tool and smart card support for GnuPG
- hfsutils - Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
- irqbalance - IRQ balancing daemon
- jfsutils - Utilities for managing the JFS filesystem
- kernel-tools - Assortment of tools for the Linux kernel
- kexec-tools - The kexec/kdump userspace component.
- ksh - The Original ATT Korn Shell
- links - Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
- logwatch - Analyzes and Reports on system logs
- mailcap - Helper application and MIME type associations for file types
- man-db - Tools for searching and reading man pages
- man-pages - Linux kernel and C library user-space interface documentation
- microcode_ctl - Tool to transform and deploy CPU microcode update for x86
- mtools - Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks
- multitail - View one or multiple files like tail but with multiple windows
- nano - A small text editor
- netcalc - Simplified clone of sipcalc with ipcalc looks
- nfs-utils - NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
- nss_db - Name Service Switch (NSS) module using hash-indexed files
- ntfs-3g - Linux NTFS userspace driver
- ntfsprogs - NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities
- pam_ccreds - Pam module to cache login credentials
- pciutils - PCI bus related utilities
- redhat-lsb - LSB base libraries support for ALDOS
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- stunnel - A TLS-encrypting socket wrapper
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- tcpdump - A network traffic monitoring tool
- tcsh - An enhanced version of csh, the C shell
- traceroute - Traces the route taken by packets over an IPv4/IPv6 network
- ugrep - Ultra fast grep with interactive query UI
- usbutils - Linux USB utilities
- wget - A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols
- whois - Improved WHOIS client
- wireless-tools - Wireless ethernet configuration tools
- x86info - x86 processor information tool.
- ytree - A filemanager similar to XTree
- yum-langpacks - Langpacks plugin for yum