Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- NetworkManager - Network connection manager and user applications
- NetworkManager-adsl - ADSL device plugin for NetworkManager
- NetworkManager-bluetooth - Bluetooth device plugin for NetworkManager
- NetworkManager-config-routing-rules - NetworkManager config file for advanced routing rules
- NetworkManager-config-server - NetworkManager config file for "server-like" defaults
- NetworkManager-devel - Headers defining the NetworkManager D-Bus APIs
- NetworkManager-devel-docs - Gtk-doc documentation for eaders defining the NetworkManager D-Bus APIs
- NetworkManager-libnm - Libraries for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
- NetworkManager-libnm-devel - Header files for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
- NetworkManager-libnm-devel-docs - Gtk-doc documentation for header files for adding NetworkManager support to applications (new API).
- NetworkManager-team - Team device plugin for NetworkManager
- NetworkManager-tui - NetworkManager curses-based UI
- NetworkManager-wifi - Wifi plugin for NetworkManager
- NetworkManager-wwan - Mobile broadband device plugin for NetworkManager
- nano - A small text editor
- nano-default-editor - Sets GNU nano as the default editor
- nano-info - Info pages for nano
- nasc - Do maths like a normal person
- nasm - A portable x86 assembler which uses Intel-like syntax
- nasm-doc - Documentation for NASM
- nautilus - File manager for GNOME
- nautilus-devel - Support for developing nautilus extensions
- nautilus-extensions - Nautilus extensions library
- nautilus-python - Python bindings for Nautilus
- nautilus-python-devel - Python bindings for Nautilus
- ncdc - Modern and lightweight direct connect client
- nco - Suite of programs for manipulating NetCDF/HDF4 files
- nco-devel - Development files for NCO
- nco-static - Static libraries for NCO
- ncurses - Ncurses support utilities
- ncurses-base - Descriptions of common terminals
- ncurses-c++-libs - Ncurses C++ bindings
- ncurses-compat-libs - Ncurses compatibility libraries
- ncurses-devel - Development files for the ncurses library
- ncurses-libs - Ncurses libraries
- ncurses-static - Static libraries for the ncurses library
- ncurses-term - Terminal descriptions
- neatvnc - A liberally licensed VNC server library
- neatvnc-devel - Development files for neatvnc
- nemo - File manager for Cinnamon
- nemo-devel - Support for developing nemo extensions
- nemo-extensions - Nemo extensions library
- neochat - Client for matrix, the decentralized communication protocol
- neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
- net-tools - Basic networking tools
- netcalc - Simplified clone of sipcalc with ipcalc looks
- nethogs - A tool resembling top for network traffic
- netronome-firmware - Firmware for Netronome Smart NICs
- netstat-monitor - A command line tool to monitor network connections
- netsurf-ci - NetSurf Web Browser (Continious Integration edition)
- neverball - Common files for neverball and neverputt
- neverball-neverball - Roll a ball through an obstacle course
- neverball-neverputt - Minigolf like game
- nextcloud-client - The Nextcloud Client
- nextcloud-client-caja - Caja overlay icons
- nextcloud-client-cloud-providers - Cloud Providers DBus support.
- nextcloud-client-devel - Development files for nextcloud-client
- nextcloud-client-dolphin - Dolphin overlay icons
- nextcloud-client-libs - Common files for nextcloud-client
- nextcloud-client-nautilus - nextcloud client nautilus extension
- nextcloud-client-nemo - Nemo overlay icons
- nfs-utils - NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
- nfs-utils-coreos - Minimal NFS utilities for supporting clients
- nftables - Netfilter Tables userspace utilites
- nftables-devel - Development header files and libraries for nftables / libnftables
- nftables-lib - Runtime library for nftables
- nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- nginx-all-modules - A meta package that installs all available Nginx modules
- nginx-filesystem - The basic directory layout for the Nginx server
- nginx-mimetypes - MIME type mappings for nginx
- nginx-mod-devel - Nginx module development files
- nginx-mod-fancyindex - Fancy indexes module for the Nginx web server
- nginx-mod-http-geoip - Nginx HTTP geoip module
- nginx-mod-http-image-filter - Nginx HTTP image filter module
- nginx-mod-http-perl - Nginx HTTP perl module
- nginx-mod-http-xslt-filter - Nginx XSLT module
- nginx-mod-mail - Nginx mail modules
- nginx-mod-stream - Nginx stream modules
- nicotine+ - A graphical client for Soulseek
- nifticlib - A set of i/o libraries for reading and writing files in the nifti-1 data format
- nifticlib-devel - Libraries and header files for nifticlib development
- nifticlib-docs - Documentation for nifticlib
- nilfs-utils - Utilities for managing NILFS v2 filesystems
- nilfs-utils-devel - NILFS2 filesystem-specific headers
- nnn - The missing terminal file browser for X
- nogravity - Space shooter in 3D
- nomacs - Lightweight image viewer
- nomacs-libs - Runtime library for nomacs image viewer
- nomacs-plugins - Plugins for nomacs image viewer
- nordic-cursor-theme - Nordic cursors theme
- nordic-gtk-theme - Dark Gtk+ theme created using the awesome Nord color pallete
- nordic-kde - Dark KDE Plasma theme using the awesome Nord color pallete
- nordic-polar-gtk-theme - Dark polar Gtk3.20+ theme created using the awesome Nord color pallete
- nordzy-cursor-theme - Cursor theme using the Nord color palette
- nordzy-icon-theme - Icon theme using the Nord color palette
- nordzy-icon-theme-cyan - Cyan variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-green - Green variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-orange - Orange variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-pink - Pink variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-purple - Purple variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-red - Red variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-turquoise - Turquoise variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nordzy-icon-theme-yellow - Yellow variant of Nordzy icon theme
- nscd - A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd).
- nspr - Netscape Portable Runtime
- nspr-devel - Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime
- nss - Network Security Services
- nss-devel - Development libraries for Network Security Services
- nss-pem - PEM file reader for Network Security Services (NSS)
- nss-pkcs11-devel - Development libraries for PKCS #11 (Cryptoki) using NSS
- nss-softokn - Network Security Services Softoken Module
- nss-softokn-devel - Development libraries for Network Security Services
- nss-softokn-freebl - Freebl library for the Network Security Services
- nss-softokn-freebl-devel - Header and Library files for doing development with the Freebl library for NSS
- nss-sysinit - System NSS Initialization
- nss-tools - Tools for the Network Security Services
- nss-util - Network Security Services Utilities Library
- nss-util-devel - Development libraries for Network Security Services Utilities
- nss_db - Name Service Switch (NSS) module using hash-indexed files
- nss_hesiod - Name Service Switch (NSS) module using Hesiod
- nss_nis - Name Service Switch (NSS) module using NIS
- ntfs-3g - Linux NTFS userspace driver
- ntfs-3g-devel - Development files and libraries for ntfs-3g
- ntfs-3g-libs - Runtime libraries for ntfs-3g
- ntfsprogs - NTFS filesystem libraries and utilities
- ntp - The NTP daemon and utilities
- ntp-doc - NTP documentation
- ntp-perl - NTP utilities written in Perl
- ntpdate - Utility to set the date and time via NTP
- ntpsec - The Network Time Protocol suite, refactored
- numix-cursor-theme - Numix cursor theme
- numix-icon-theme - Numix icon theme
- numix-icon-theme-circle - Numix-Circle icon theme
- numix-icon-theme-square - Numix-Square icon theme
- nutty - A Network Utility.
- nvidia-gpu-firmware - Firmware for NVIDIA GPUs
- nvim-ui - Gtk4 GUI for neovim
- nwipe - Securely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods
- nxpwireless-firmware - Firmware for NXP WiFi/Bluetooth/UWB adapters