Letter G

gstreamer1-plugin-aravis - Aravis Gstreamer plugin

Website: https://github.com/AravisProject/aravis
License: LGPL-2.1-only.1
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
A Gstreamer-1.0 plugin for video acquisition using Genicam cameras.
It currently implements the gigabit ethernet and USB3 protocols used
by industrial cameras.


gstreamer1-plugin-aravis-0.8.34-1.aldos.x86_64 [27 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2025-02-16):
- Update to 0.8.34.
gstreamer1-plugin-aravis-0.8.34-1.aldos.i686 [27 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2025-02-16):
- Update to 0.8.34.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc14.al