LXQt is a lightweight X11 desktop environment designed for computers with low hardware specifications like netbooks, mobile devices or older computers.
- ark - Archive manager
- arqiver - Simple Qt archive manager based on libarchive
- compton - A compositor for X11.
- compton-conf - GUI configuration tool for compton X composite manager.
- falkon - KDE web browser using QtWebEngine rendering engine.
- feathernotes - Put a short description here
- featherpad - Lightweight Qt5 Plain-Text Editor
- kolourpaint - An easy-to-use paint program
- kwin - KDE Window manager
- lximage-qt - The image viewer and screenshot tool for LXQt
- lxqt-about - About application for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-admin - LXQt system administration tool
- lxqt-archiver - A simple & lightweight desktop-agnostic Qt file archiver
- lxqt-config - Config tools for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-globalkeys - Global keys utility for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-notificationd - Notification daemon for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-openssh-askpass - Askpass openssh transition dialog for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-panel - Main panel bar for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-policykit - PolicyKit agent for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-powermanagement - Powermanagement daemon for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-qtplugin - Qt plugin framework for LXQt Desktop Suite
- lxqt-runner - Application runner agent for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-session - Main session for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-sudo - GUI frontend for sudo/su
- lxqt-themes - Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt.
- lxqt-themes-adwaita - Adwaita theme and palette for the LXQt desktop environment
- lxqt-themes-arc - Arc themes and palettes for the LXQt desktop environment
- lxqt-themes-dracula - Dracula theme and palette for the LXQt desktop environment
- lxqt-wallet - Create a kwallet like functionality for LXQt
- nm-tray - NetworkManager tray icon
- numix-gtk-theme - Numix is a GTK+ theme for GNOME, Xfce and Openbox
- numix-icon-theme - Numix icon theme
- obconf-qt - A configuration editor for the OpenBox window manager
- openbox - A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager
- pavucontrol-qt - Qt5 port of volume control pavucontrol
- pcmanfm-qt - LxQt file manager PCManFM
- perl-File-MimeInfo - Determine file type and open application
- photoflare - Quick, simple but powerful Cross Platform image editor
- pk-update-icon - Icon notification for PackageKit
- qpdfview - Qt5 tabbed PDF Viewer
- qps - The Qt process manager
- qterminal - Advanced Qt5-based terminal emulator
- screengrab - Screen grabber
- sddm - QML based X11 desktop manager
- upower - Power Management Service
- xdg-desktop-portal-lxqt - A backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal that is using Qt/KF5/libfm-qt
- xdg-user-dirs - Handles user special directories
- xscreensaver - X screen saver and locker