Letter L
Packages beginning with letter "L".
- LibRaw - Library for reading RAW files obtained from digital photo cameras
- la-capitaine-cursor-theme - X-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on KDE Breeze
- la-capitaine-icon-theme - Icon pack designed to integrate with most desktop environments
- labelleaurore-fonts - La Belle Aurore font by Kimberly Geswein
- labiryntowy-fonts - Artificial font consisting of vertical and horizontal bars
- labwc - Openbox alternative for Wayland
- labwc-tweaks - Configuration gui app for labwc
- labyrinth - A light weight mind mapping tool
- lacewing - Arcade-style shoot-em-up
- ladspa - Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plug-in API, examples and tools
- ladspa-amb-plugins - Ambisonics LADSPA plugins
- ladspa-autotalent-plugins - A pitch correction LADSPA plugin
- ladspa-blop-plugins - Bandlimited LADSPA Oscillator Plugins
- ladspa-caps-plugins - The C* Audio Plugin Suite
- ladspa-cmt-plugins - A collection of LADSPA plugins
- ladspa-fil-plugins - LADSPA Filter plugins
- ladspa-mcp-plugins - A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
- ladspa-rev-plugins - A reverberation plugin for LADSPA
- ladspa-swh-plugins - A set of audio plugins for LADSPA
- ladspa-tap-plugins - Tom's Audio Processing plugin
- ladspa-vco-plugins - Anti-aliased pulse and sawtooth oscillators
- ladvd - CDP/LLDP sender for UNIX
- lager - Redux for C++
- lagrange - A Beautiful Gemini Client
- lame - Free MP3 audio compressor
- langtable - Guessing reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard layout, territory, and language.
- lapack - Numerical linear algebra package libraries
- lasem - A library for rendering SVG and Mathml, implementing a DOM like API
- lash - LASH Audio Session Handler
- lasi - C++ library for creating Postscript documents
- lasso - Liberty Alliance Single Sign On
- lastfmlib - Last.fm scrobbling library
- lastrange-gtk-theme - A clean, simple XFWM/GTK3 theme for easy and focused computing
- lastrange-icon-theme - A clean, simple icon theme for easy and focused computing
- laszip - Quickly turns bulky LAS files into compant LAZ files
- lat - LDAP Administration Tool
- latencytop - System latency monitor (with GUI)
- latex2emf - Create an EMF file from LaTeX source
- latex2html - Converts LaTeX documents to HTML
- latex2man - Latex2man - translate UNIX manual pages written with LaTeX
- latex2rtf - LaTeX to RTF converter that handles equations, figures, and cross-references
- latexmk - A make-like utility for LaTeX files
- lato-fonts - A sanserif typeface family
- latrace - LD_AUDIT feature frontend for glibc 2.4+
- latte-dock - Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks
- launchy - Open Source Keystroke Launcher
- lavanda-gtk-theme - Lavanda GTK theme for Linux desktops
- layan-cursor-theme - Layan cursors for Linux desktops
- layer-shell-qt - Library to easily use clients based on wlr-layer-shell
- layla-fonts - A collection of traditional Arabic fonts
- lazarus - Lazarus Component Library and IDE for Freepascal
- lbrickbuster2 - Brickbuster arcade game
- lcgdm - LHC Computing Grid Data Management
- lcms - Color Management System
- lcms2 - Color Management Engine
- lcov - LTP GCOV extension code coverage tool
- ldapjdk - The Mozilla LDAP Java SDK
- ldc - LLVM D Compiler
- ldns - Low-level DNS(SEC) library with API
- leafpad - GTK+ based simple text editor
- leatherman - Collection of C++ and CMake utility libraries
- ledmon - Enclosure LED Utilities
- lensfun - Library to rectify defects introduced by photographic lenses
- leptonica - C library for efficient image processing and image analysis operations
- less - A text file browser similar to more, but better
- lesstif - OSF/Motif library clone
- leveldb - A fast and lightweight key/value database library by Google
- levien-inconsolata-fonts - Inconsolata fonts
- levien-museum-fonts - Based on historical metal Centaur fonts
- lftp - A sophisticated file transfer program
- lib2geom - Easy to use 2D geometry library in C++
- lib3ds - 3D Studio file format library
- lib765 - A library for emulating the uPD765a floppy controller
- libAfterImage - A generic image manipulation library
- libEMF - A library for generating Enhanced Metafiles
- libFS - X.Org X11 libFS runtime library
- libICE - X.Org X11 ICE runtime library
- libIDL - Library for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language)
- libQGLViewer - Qt based OpenGL generic 3D viewer library
- libSM - X.Org X11 SM runtime library
- libX11 - Core X11 protocol client library
- libXNVCtrl - Library providing the NV-CONTROL API
- libXScrnSaver - X.Org X11 libXss runtime library
- libXau - Sample Authorization Protocol for X
- libXaw - X Athena Widget Set
- libXaw3dXft - An extended version of Xaw3d with support for UTF8
- libXcm - X Color Management Library
- libXcomposite - X Composite Extension library
- libXcursor - Cursor management library
- libXdamage - X Damage extension library
- libXdmcp - X Display Manager Control Protocol library
- libXext - X.Org X11 libXext runtime library
- libXfixes - X Fixes library
- libXfont - X.Org X11 libXfont runtime library
- libXfont2 - X.Org X11 libXfont2 runtime library
- libXft - X.Org X11 libXft runtime library
- libXi - X.Org X11 libXi runtime library
- libXinerama - X.Org X11 libXinerama runtime library
- libXmu - X.Org X11 libXmu/libXmuu runtime libraries
- libXp - X.Org X11 libXp runtime library
- libXpm - X.Org X11 libXpm runtime library
- libXpresent - A Xlib-compatible API for the Present extension
- libXrandr - X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library
- libXrender - X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library
- libXres - X-Resource extension client library
- libXt - X.Org X11 libXt runtime library
- libXtst - X.Org X11 libXtst runtime library
- libXv - X.Org X11 libXv runtime library
- libXvMC - X.Org X11 libXvMC runtime library
- libXxf86dga - X.Org X11 libXxf86dga runtime library
- libXxf86misc - X.Org X11 libXxf86misc runtime library
- libXxf86vm - X.Org X11 libXxf86vm runtime library
- libaacs - Open implementation of AACS specification
- libabw - A library for import of AbiWord files
- libaccounts-glib - Accounts framework for Linux and POSIX based platforms
- libaccounts-qt - Accounts framework Qt bindings
- libadwaita - Building blocks for modern GNOME applications
- libaec - Adaptive Entropy Coding library
- libaesgm - Library implementation of AES (Rijndael) cryptographic methods
- libaio - Linux-native asynchronous I/O access library
- libalkimia - Financial library
- libao - Cross Platform Audio Output Library
- libaosd - An advanced on screen display (OSD) library
- libappimage - Implements functionality for dealing with AppImage files
- libappindicator - Application indicators library
- libappstream-glib - Library for AppStream metadata
- libapreq2 - Apache HTTP request library
- libarchive - A library for handling streaming archive formats
- libart_lgpl - Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas
- libasr - Free, simple and portable asynchronous resolver library
- libass - Portable library for SSA/ASS subtitles rendering
- libassuan - GnuPG IPC library
- libast - Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
- libasyncns - Asynchronous Name Service Library
- libatasmart - ATA S.M.A.R.T. Disk Health Monitoring Library
- libavc1394 - Audio/Video Control library for IEEE-1394 devices
- libavif - Library for encoding and decoding .avif files
- libavtp - An AVTP protocol implementation
- libb2 - C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
- libb64 - Tools for fast encoding/decoding data into and from a base64-encoded format
- libbase - JFree Base Services
- libbdplus - Open implementation of BD+ protocol
- libbeagle - Beagle C interface
- libbinio - A software library for binary I/O classes in C++
- libblockdev - A library for low-level manipulation with block devices
- libbluray - Library to access Blu-Ray disks for video playback
- libbonobo - Bonobo component system
- libbonoboui - Bonobo user interface components
- libbpf - Libbpf library
- libbroadvoice - A library for the BroadVoice 16 and 32 speech codecs
- libbs2b - Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP library
- libbsd - Library providing BSD-compatible functions for portability
- libburn - Library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
- libbytesize - A library for working with sizes in bytes
- libcaca - Library for Colour AsCii Art, text mode graphics
- libcacard - CAC (Common Access Card) library
- libcamera - A library to support complex camera ISPs
- libcanberra - Portable Sound Event Library
- libcap - Library for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
- libcap-ng - An alternate posix capabilities library
- libcdaudio - Control operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs
- libcddb - Library (C API) for accessing CDDB servers
- libcdio - CD-ROM input and control library
- libcdio-paranoia - CD paranoia on top of libcdio
- libcdr - A library for import of CorelDRAW drawings
- libcec - Library and utilities for HDMI-CEC device control
- libcec-platform - Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi
- libcec2 - Library and utilities for HDMI-CEC device control
- libcerf - A library that provides complex error functions
- libcgif - A fast and lightweight GIF encoder
- libcgroup - Library to control and monitor control groups
- libchamplain - Map view for Clutter
- libchardet - Mozilla's universal character set detector
- libclastfm - Unofficial C-API for the Last.fm web service
- libclaw - C++ Library of various utility functions
- libclc - An open source implementation of the OpenCL 1.1 library requirements
- libcli - A shared library for a Cisco-like cli
- libcloudproviders - Library for integration of cloud storage providers
- libcmis - A C/C++ client library for CM interfaces
- libcmpiutil - CMPI Utility Library
- libcompizconfig - Configuration back end for compiz
- libcomps - Comps XML file manipulation library
- libconfig - C/C++ configuration file library
- libconfuse - A configuration file parser library
- libcouchbase - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase6 - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase7 - Couchbase client library
- libcouchbase8 - Couchbase client library
- libcpuid - Provides CPU identification for x86
- libcroco - A CSS2 parsing library
- libcryptui - Interface components for OpenPGP
- libcrystalhd - Broadcom Crystal HD device interface library
- libcss - A CSS parser and selection engine
- libcsv - Small, simple and fast CSV library
- libcue - Cue sheet parser library
- libcutl - C++ utility library from Code Synthesis
- libcxx - C++ standard library targeting C++11
- libcxxabi - Low level support for a standard C++ library
- libdaemon - Library for writing UNIX daemons
- libdap - The C++ DAP2 library from OPeNDAP
- libdatrie - Implementation of Double-Array structure for representing trie
- libdazzle - Experimental new features for GTK+ and GLib
- libdb - The Berkeley DB database library for C
- libdb4 - The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C
- libdbi - Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
- libdbi-drivers - Database-specific drivers for libdbi
- libdbusmenu - Library for passing menus over DBus
- libdc1394 - 1394-based digital camera control library
- libdca - DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder library
- libde265 - Open H.265 video codec implementation
- libdecor - Wayland client side decoration library
- libdeflate - Fast implementation of DEFLATE, gzip, and zlib
- libdesktop-agnostic - Provides an extensible configuration API
- libdial - Library to display a clock or a dial
- libdiscid - C Library for creating MusicBrainz DiscIDs
- libdispatch - Apple's Grand Central Dispatch library
- libdisplay-info - EDID and DisplayID library
- libdivecomputer - Library for communication with dive computers
- libdivecomputer-subsurface - Library for communication with dive computers
- libdlna - Open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards
- libdmapsharing - A DMAP client and server library
- libdmtx - Library for working with Data Matrix 2D bar-codes
- libdmx - X.Org X11 DMX runtime library
- libdnet - Simple portable interface to lowlevel networking routines
- libdnf - Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv
- libdockapp - DockApp Development Standard Library
- libdom - C implementation of the W3C DOM API
- libdrm - Direct Rendering Manager runtime library
- libdsk - Library for accessing disk images
- libdstr - Dave's String class
- libdv - Software decoder for DV format video
- libdvbpsi - Library for MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables decoding and generation
- libdvdcss - A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
- libdvdnav - A library for reading DVD video discs based on Ogle code
- libdvdread - A library for reading DVD video discs based on Ogle code
- libdwarf - Library to access the DWARF Debugging file format
- libdxfrw - Library to read/write DXF files
- libe-book - A library for import of reflowable e-book formats
- libeXosip2 - A library that hides the complexity of using the SIP protocol
- libeasyfc - Easy configuration generator interface for fontconfig
- libebml - Extensible Binary Meta Language library
- libebur128 - A library that implements the EBU R 128 standard for loudness normalization
- libecap - Squid interface for embedded adaptation modules
- libecb - Compiler built-ins
- libechonest - C++ wrapper for the Echo Nest API
- libeconf - Enhanced config file parser library
- libedit - The NetBSD Editline library
- libee - Event expression library inspired by CEE
- libeina - Data Type Library
- libell - Embedded Linux library
- libeot - A library for parsing Embedded OpenType font files
- libepc - Easy Publish and Consume library
- libepoxy - epoxy runtime library
- libepubgen - An EPUB generator library
- liberation-fonts - Fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Windows fonts
- liberation-narrow-fonts - Sans-serif Narrow fonts to replace commonly used Microsoft Arial Narrow
- libertas-sd8686-firmware - Firmware for Marvell Libertas SD 8686 Network Adapter
- libesmtp - SMTP client library
- libestr - String handling essentials library
- libetonyek - A library for import of Apple iWork documents
- libetpan - Portable, efficient middle-ware for different kinds of mail access
- libev - High-performance event loop/event model with lots of features
- libevdev - Kernel Evdev Device Wrapper Library
- libevent - Abstract asynchronous event notification library
- libexif - Library for extracting extra information from image files
- libextractor - Simple library for keyword extraction
- libexttextcat - Text categorization library
- libfabric - Open Fabric Interfaces
- libfakekey - Library for converting characters to X key-presses
- libfame - Fast Assembly MPEG Encoding library
- libfastjson - A JSON implementation in C
- libfc14audiodecoder - C wrapper library for Future Composer audio decoding
- libfep - Library to implement FEP (front end processor) on ANSI terminals
- libffado - Free firewire audio driver library
- libffi - A portable foreign function interface library
- libfilezilla - C++ Library for FileZilla
- libfilteraudio - Lightweight audio filtering library made from webrtc code
- libfixposix - Thin wrapper over POSIX syscalls
- libfli - Library for FLI CCD Camera & Filter Wheels
- libfm - GIO-based library for file manager-like programs
- libfm-qt - Companion library for PCManFM
- libfontenc - X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library
- libfonts - TrueType Font Layouting
- libformula - Formula Parser
- libfprint - Tool kit for fingerprint scanner
- libfreeaptx - Open Source implementation of Audio Processing Technology codec (aptX)
- libfreehand - A library for import of Macromedia/Adobe FreeHand documents
- libfreenect - Device driver for the Kinect
- libftdi - Library to program and control the FTDI USB controller
- libftl - FTL audio/video streaming library
- libgadu - A Gadu-gadu protocol compatible communications library
- libgamerzilla - Gamerzilla Integration Library
- libgav1 - An AV1 decoder
- libgcroots - Roots acquisition library for Garbage Collector
- libgcrypt - A general-purpose cryptography library
- libgda - Library for writing gnome database programs
- libgdamm - C++ wrappers for libgda
- libgdata - Library for the GData protocol
- libgdiplus - An Open Source implementation of the GDI+ API
- libgdither - Library for applying dithering to PCM audio sources
- libgdl - GNOME docking library
- libgee - GObject collection library
- libgee06 - GObject collection library
- libgeotiff - GeoTIFF format library
- libgepub - Library for epub documents
- libgexiv2 - Gexiv2 is a GObject-based wrapper around the Exiv2 library
- libgig - A C++ library to manage Gigasampler (.gig) files and DLS (Downloadable Sounds) Level 1/2 files
- libgit2 - C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a solid API
- libgit2-glib - Git library for GLib
- libglade2 - The libglade library for loading user interfaces
- libglademm24 - C++ wrapper for libglade
- libgle - A Tubing and Extrusion Library for OpenGL
- libglib-testing - GLib-based test library and harness
- libglpng - Toolkit for loading PNG images as OpenGL textures
- libgltf - A library for rendering glTF models
- libglvnd - The GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch library
- libgnome - GNOME base library
- libgnome-games-support - Support library for GNOME games
- libgnome-games-support2 - Support library for GNOME games
- libgnome-keyring - Framework for managing passwords and other secrets
- libgnomecanvas - GnomeCanvas widget
- libgnomecanvasmm26 - C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
- libgnomecups - GNOME library for CUPS integration
- libgnomekbd - A keyboard configuration library
- libgnomekbd2 - A keyboard configuration library
- libgnomekbd3 - A keyboard configuration library
- libgnomemm26 - C++ interface for Gnome libs (a GUI library for X)
- libgnomeprint22 - Printing library for GNOME
- libgnomeprintui22 - GUI support for libgnomeprint
- libgnomeui - GNOME base GUI library
- libgnt - Ncurses toolkit for creating text-mode graphical user interfaces
- libgovirt - A GObject library for interacting with oVirt REST API
- libgpg-error - Library for error values used by GnuPG components
- libgphoto2 - Library for accessing digital cameras
- libgpiod - C library and tools for interacting with linux GPIO char device
- libgpiod1 - C library and tools for interacting with linux GPIO char device
- libgpod - Library to access the contents of an iPod
- libgringotts - A backend for managing encrypted data files on the disk
- libgrss - Library for easy management of RSS/Atom/Pie feeds
- libgsasl - GNU SASL library
- libgsf - GNOME Structured File library
- libgssglue - Generic Security Services Application Programming Interface Library
- libgta - Library that implements the Generic Tagged Arrays file format
- libgtop2 - LibGTop library (version 2)
- libgudev1 - Libraries for adding libudev support to applications that use glib.
- libguess - High-speed character set detection library
- libgusb - GLib wrapper around libusb1
- libgweather - A library for weather information
- libgxps - GObject based library for handling and rendering XPS documents
- libhandy - Library with GTK+ widgets for mobile phones
- libhandy1 - Building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
- libhangul - Hangul input library
- libharu - C library for generating PDF files
- libhawaii - Core share library for Hawaii desktop suite
- libhbaapi - SNIA HBAAPI library
- libhbalinux - FC-HBAAPI implementation using scsi_transport_fc interfaces
- libheif - HEIF file format decoder and encoder
- libhid - User space USB HID access library
- libhubbub - An HTML5 compliant parsing library
- libibcommon - OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand management common library
- libibmad - OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand MAD library
- libical - Reference implementation of the iCalendar data type and serialization format
- libicns - Library for manipulating Macintosh icns files
- libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library
- libident - New LibIdent C library
- libidn - Internationalized Domain Name support library
- libidn2 - Library to support IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
- libiec61883 - Streaming library for IEEE1394
- libieee1284 - A library for interfacing IEEE 1284-compatible devices
- libifp - A general-purpose library-driver for iRiver's iFP portable audio players
- libigloo - A generic C framework used by the Icecast project
- libiio - Library for Industrial IO
- libijs - IJS Raster Image Transport Protocol Library
- libimagequant - Palette quantization library
- libimobiledevice - Library for connecting to mobile devices
- libindi - Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface
- libindicator - Shared functions for Ayatana indicators
- libinput - Input device library
- libinstpatch - Instrument file software library
- libiodbc - iODBC Driver Manager
- libipt - Intel Processor Trace Decoder Library
- libiptcdata - IPTC tag library
- libircclient - C library to create IRC clients
- libisds - Library for accessing the Czech Data Boxes
- libisoburn - Library to enable creation and expansion of ISO-9660 filesystems
- libisofs - Library to create ISO 9660 disk images
- libixion - A general purpose formula parser & interpreter library
- libjcat - Library for reading Jcat files
- libjpeg-turbo - A MMX/SSE2/SIMD accelerated library for manipulating JPEG image files
- libkate - Libraries to handle the Kate bitstream format
- libkcddb - CDDB retrieval library
- libkcompactdisc - A KDE compact disc library
- libkdeedu - Libraries used by KDE Education applications
- libkdegames - Common code and data for many KDE games
- libkdegames4 - Common code and data for many KDE4 games
- libkeduvocdocument - Library to parse, convert, and manipulate KVTML files
- libkgapi - Library to access to Google services
- libkkc - Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
- libkkc-data - Language model data for libkkc
- libkmahjongg - Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
- libkmahjongg4 - Common code, backgrounds and tile sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
- libkml - Reference implementation of OGC KML 2.2
- libkolabxml - Kolab XML format collection parser library
- libkomparediff2 - Library to compare files and strings
- libksane - SANE Library interface for KDE
- libksba - CMS and X.509 library
- libkscreen - Display configuration library
- libkscreen-qt5 - KDE display configuration library
- libksysguard - Library for managing processes running on the system
- libktorrent - Library providing torrent downloading code
- liblangtag - An interface library to access tags for identifying languages
- liblas - Library for reading and writing the very common LAS LiDAR format
- liblastfm - Libraries to integrate Last.fm services
- liblastfm1 - Libraries to integrate Last.fm services
- liblayout - CSS based layouting framework
- libldac - A lossy audio codec for Bluetooth connections
- libldb - A schema-less, ldap like, API and database
- liblerc - Library for Limited Error Raster Compression
- libliftoff - Lightweight KMS plane library
- liblinphone - A high-level SIP library
- liblo - Open Sound Control library
- libloader - Resource Loading Framework
- liblockfile - This implements a number of functions found in -lmail on SysV systems
- liblogging - An easy to use logging library
- liblognorm - Fast samples-based log normalization library
- liblouis - Braille translation and back-translation library
- liblqr-1 - LiquidRescale library
- liblrdf - Library for manipulating RDF files describing LADSPA plugins
- liblscp - LinuxSampler Control Protocol (LSCP) wrapper C library
- libltc - Linear/Longitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library
- liblxi - Library with simple API for communication with LXI devices
- liblxqt - Core shared library for LXQt desktop suite
- liblzf - Small data compression library
- libmad - MPEG audio decoder library
- libmanette - Game controller library
- libmatchbox - Libraries for the Matchbox Desktop
- libmatekbd - Libraries for mate kbd
- libmatemixer - Mixer library for MATE desktop
- libmateweather - Libraries to allow MATE Desktop to display weather information
- libmatroska - Open audio/video container format library
- libmatthew-java - A few useful Java libraries
- libmaxminddb - C library for the MaxMind DB file format
- libmbim - Support library for the Mobile Broadband Interface Model protocol
- libmcrypt - Encryption algorithms library
- libmediaart - Library for managing media art caches
- libmediainfo - Library for supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file
- libmemcached - Client library and command line tools for memcached server
- libmemcached-awesome - Client library and command line tools for memcached server
- libmetalink - library written in C
- libmicrodns - Minimal mDNS resolver library
- libmicrohttpd - Lightweight library for embedding a webserver in applications
- libmikmod - A MOD music file player library
- libmimic - Encoding/decoding library for Mimic V2.x
- libmkv - An alternative to the official libmatroska library
- libmm-qt - Qt-only wrapper for ModemManager DBus API
- libmml - MML Widget
- libmml-qt6 - Qt6/OpenGL-based MML Widget
- libmms - Library for Microsoft Media Server (MMS) streaming protocol
- libmng - Library for Multiple-image Network Graphics support
- libmnl - A minimalistic Netlink library
- libmodbus - A Modbus library
- libmodman - A simple library for managing C++ modules (plug-ins)
- libmodplug - Modplug mod music file format library
- libmongocrypt - The companion C library for client side encryption in drivers
- libmowgli - Library of many utility functions and classes
- libmp3splt - Libraries for the mp3Splt project
- libmp4v2 - Library for working with files using the mp4 container format
- libmpc - C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic
- libmpcdec - Musepack audio decoding library
- libmpd - Music Player Daemon Library
- libmpdclient - Library for interfacing Music Player Daemon
- libmpeg2 - MPEG-2 decoder libraries
- libmpeg3 - Decoder of various derivatives of MPEG standards
- libmsgsl - Microsoft Guidelines Support Library
- libmspack - Library for CAB and related files compression and decompression
- libmspub - A library for import of Microsoft Publisher documents
- libmtp - A software library for MTP media players
- libmusicbrainz5 - Library for accessing MusicBrainz servers
- libmwaw - A library for import of many old Mac document formats
- libmx - A clutter widget toolkit
- libmygpo-qt - Qt4 Library that wraps the gpodder.net Web API
- libmypaint - Library for making brush strokes
- libmypaint2 - MyPaint brush engine library
- libmysofa - C functions for reading HRTFs
- libnatpmp - Library of The NAT Port Mapping Protocol (NAT-PMP)
- libndp - Library for Neighbor Discovery Protocol
- libnet - C library for portable packet creation and injection
- libnetfilter_acct - A library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure
- libnetfilter_conntrack - Netfilter conntrack userspace library
- libnetfilter_cttimeout - Timeout policy tuning for Netfilter/conntrack
- libnetfilter_log - Netfilter logging userspace library
- libnetfilter_queue - Netfilter queue userspace library
- libnfnetlink - Netfilter netlink userspace library
- libnfs - Client library for accessing NFS shares over a network
- libnftnl - Library for low-level interaction with nftables Netlink's API over libmnl
- libnice - GLib ICE implementation
- libnids - Implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System
- libnih - Lightweight application development library
- libnjb - A software library for talking to the Creative Nomad Jukeboxes and Dell DJs
- libnl - Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
- libnl3 - Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
- libnoise - A general-purpose library that generates three-dimensional coherent noise
- libnotify - Desktop notification library
- libnova - Libnova is a general purpose astronomy & astrodynamics library
- libnsbmp - Decoding library for BMP and ICO image file formats
- libnsfb - A framebuffer drawing library
- libnsgif - Decoding library for GIF image file format
- libnslog - NetSurf Logging Library
- libnspsl - A library to generate static code representation of the Public suffix list
- libnsutils - NetSurf utility functions
- libntlm - NTLMv1 authentication library
- libnumbertext - Number to number name and money text conversion library
- libnxml - C library for parsing, writing and creating XML
- liboauth - OAuth library functions
- liboauth2 - Generic library to build OAuth 2.x and OpenID Connect servers and clients in C
- libodfgen - An ODF generator library
- libofa - Open Fingerprint Architecture library
- libofx - A library for supporting Open Financial Exchange (OFX)
- libogg - The Ogg bitstream file format library
- liboggz - Simple programming interface for Ogg files and streams
- liboil - Library of Optimized Inner Loops, CPU optimized functions
- libolm - Double Ratchet cryptographic library
- libomemo-c - Fork of libsignal-protocol-c adding support for OMEMO XEP-0384 0.5.0+
- libomp - OpenMP runtime for clang
- libomxil-bellagio - OpenMAX Integration Layer
- libopenh264 - Open Source H.264 Codec
- libopenmpt - C/C++ library to decode tracker music module (MOD) files
- libopenraw - Decode camera RAW files
- libopenshot - Library for creating and editing videos
- libopenshot-audio - Audio library used by OpenShot
- libopensync - A synchronization framework
- liboping - A C library to generate ICMP echo requests
- libopusenc - A library that provides an easy way to encode Ogg Opus files
- liborcus - Standalone file import filter library for spreadsheet documents
- liborigin - Library for reading OriginLab OPJ project files
- libosinfo - A library for managing OS information for virtualization
- libosip2 - oSIP is an implementation of SIP
- libotf - A Library for handling OpenType Font
- libotr - Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkit
- libp11 - Library for using PKCS#11 modules
- libpagemaker - A library for import of Adobe PageMaker documents
- libpano13 - Library for manipulating panoramic images
- libpaper - Library and tools for handling papersize
- libpari23 - Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra Library
- libparserutils - A library for building efficient parsers
- libpassman - Library for interacting with passman++ databases
- libpcap - A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
- libpciaccess - PCI access library
- libpeas - Plug-ins implementation convenience library
- libpgf - PGF (Progressive Graphics File) library
- libphidget - Drivers and API for Phidget devices
- libphonenumber - Library to handle international phone numbers
- libpinyin - Library to deal with pinyin
- libpipeline - A pipeline manipulation library
- libplacebo - Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives
- libplacebo4 - Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives
- libplacebo5 - Reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering primitives
- libplist - Library for manipulating Apple Binary and XML Property Lists
- libpng - A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files
- libpng10 - Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
- libpng12 - Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
- libpng15 - Old version of libpng, needed to run old binaries
- libportal - Flatpak portal library
- libpqxx - C++ client API for PostgreSQL
- libprelude - Secure Connections between all Sensors and the Prelude Manager
- libpri - An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN
- libproc2 - System and process monitoring utilities runtime library 2
- libprojectM - The libraries for the projectM music visualization plugin
- libproxy - A library handling all the details of proxy configuration
- libpsl - C library for the Publix Suffix List
- libpsm2 - Intel PSM Libraries
- libpst - Utilities to convert Outlook .pst files to other formats
- libpwquality - A library for password generation and password quality checking
- libpx - A library to read Paradox DB files
- libqalculate - Multi-purpose calculator library
- libqb - An IPC library for high performance servers
- libqmi - Support library to use the Qualcomm MSM Interface (QMI) protocol
- libqrtr-glib - Support library to use and manage the QRTR (Qualcomm IPC Router) bus.
- libqtelegram-ae - Fork of libqtelegram by Aseman Team
- libqtolm - Qt wrapper for libolm
- libqtxdg - QtXdg, a Qt5 implementation of XDG standards
- libquicktime - Library for reading and writing Quicktime files
- libquotient - Qt5 library to write cross-platform clients for Matrix
- libquvi - A cross-platform library for parsing flash media stream
- libquvi-scripts - Embedded lua scripts that libquvi uses for parsing the media details
- libqxp - Library for import of QuarkXPress documents
- libqxt - Qt extension library
- libqxt-qt5 - Extended version of the original Qt extension library
- librabbitmq - Client library for AMQP
- libraqm - Complex Textlayout Library
- libratbag - DBus daemon to configure input devices, mainly high-end and gaming mice
- libraw1394 - Library providing low-level IEEE-1394 access
- librda - Remote Desktop Awareness Shared Library
- librdkafka - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- librdkafka1php - Apache Kafka C/C++ client library
- librecad - Computer Assisted Design (CAD) Application
- libredwg - GNU C library and programs to read and write DWG files
- librelp - The Reliable Event Logging Protocol library
- libreoffice - Free Software Productivity Suite
- libreoffice-TexMaths - A LaTex Equation Editor for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-gallery-vrt-network-equipment - A network equipment shape gallery for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-icon-theme-papirus - Papirus theme for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-style-mint - Mint icons for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-style-papirus - Papirus themes for LibreOffice
- librep - A lightweight Lisp environment
- librepo - Repodata downloading library
- librepository - Hierarchical repository abstraction layer
- libresample - A real-time library for audio sampling rate conversion
- libressl - Utilities from the general purpose cryptography library with TLS implementation
- libreswan - IPsec implementation with IKEv1 and IKEv2 keying protocols
- libretro-beetle-ngp - Standalone port of Mednafen NGP to the libretro API, itself a fork of Neopop
- libretro-beetle-pce-fast - Standalone port of Mednafen PCE Fast to libretro
- libretro-beetle-vb - Standalone port of Mednafen VB to libretro
- libretro-beetle-wswan - Standalone port of Mednafen WonderSwan to libretro, itself a fork of Cygne
- libretro-bsnes-mercury - Fork of bsnes with various performance improvements
- libretro-desmume2015 - Port of Desmume to libretro
- libretro-gambatte - Libretro implementation of libgambatte
- libretro-gw - Libretro core for Game & Watch simulators
- libretro-handy - Atari Lynx emulator Handy for libretro
- libretro-mgba - mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator
- libretro-nestopia - Nestopia emulator with libretro interface
- libretro-pcsx-rearmed - ARM optimized PCSX fork
- libretro-prosystem - Port of ProSystem to the libretro API
- libretro-stella2014 - Port of Stella to libretro
- librevenge - A base library for writing document import filters
- librosprite - A framebuffer abstraction library, written in C
- librsvg2 - An SVG library based on cairo
- librsync - Rsync remote-delta algorithm library
- librttopo - Create and manage SQL/MM topologies
- librvngabw - An AbiWord document generator library
- librx - POSIX regexp functions
- libs3 - C Library and Tools for Amazon S3 Access
- libsamplerate - Sample rate conversion library for audio data
- libsass - C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler
- libscrypt - Library that implements the secure password hashing function "scrypt"
- libseccomp - Enhanced seccomp library
- libsecp256k1 - Optimized C library for EC operations on curve secp256k1
- libsecret - Library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets
- libselinux - SELinux library and simple utilities
- libsemanage - SELinux binary policy manipulation library
- libsepol - SELinux binary policy manipulation library
- libserf - High-Performance Asynchronous HTTP Client Library
- libserializer - JFreeReport General Serialization Framework
- libserialport - Library for accessing serial ports
- libsexy - Funky fresh graphical widgets for GTK+ 2
- libshairport - Emulates an AirPort Express
- libshine - Super fast fixed-point MP3 encoder with JS/wasm and android native bindings
- libshout - Icecast source streaming library
- libshumate - GTK widget to display maps
- libsidplay - SID chip music module playing library
- libsidplay2 - A Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator library
- libsidplayfp - SID chip music module playing library
- libsigc++ - Typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigc++20 - Typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigc++30 - Typesafe signal framework for C++
- libsigsegv - Library for handling page faults in user mode
- libsilc - SILC Client Library
- libsixel - A SIXEL encoder/decoder implementation
- libskk - Library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion method
- libsmbios - Libsmbios C/C++ shared libraries
- libsmi - A library to access SMI MIB information
- libsndfile - Library for reading and writing sound files
- libsocialweb - A social network data aggregator
- libsodium - The Sodium crypto library
- libsolv - Package dependency solver
- libsoundio - C library for cross-platform real-time audio input and output
- libsoup - Soup, an HTTP library implementation
- libsoup3 - Soup, an HTTP library implementation
- libspatialaudio - Ambisonic encoding / decoding and binauralization library
- libspatialite - Enables SQLite to support spatial data
- libspectre - A library for rendering PostScript(TM) documents
- libspectrum - A library for reading spectrum emulator file formats
- libspf2 - An implementation of the SPF specification
- libspiro - Library to simplify the drawing of beautiful curves
- libspnav - Open source alternative to 3DConnextion drivers
- libspng - Simple, modern libpng alternative
- libsqlite3x - A C++ Wrapper for the SQLite3 embeddable SQL database engine
- libsquish - Open source DXT compression library
- libsrtp - An implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)
- libsrtp1 - An implementation of the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP)
- libss7 - SS7 protocol services to applications
- libssh - A library implementing the SSH protocol
- libssh2 - A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
- libstaroffice - A library for import of binary StarOffice documents
- libstatgrab - A library that provides cross platform access to statistics of the system
- libstemmer - C stemming algorithm library
- libstorj - Client library and CLI for encrypted file transfer on the Storj network
- libstroke - A stroke interface library
- libsvgtiny - A library for parsing SVG files for display
- libsvm - A Library for Support Vector Machines
- libsysstat - Library used to query system info and statistics
- libtalloc - The talloc library
- libtar - Tar file manipulation API
- libtasn1 - The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS
- libtcd - Tide Constituent Database Library
- libtdb - The tdb library
- libteam - Library for controlling team network device
- libtelnet - TELNET protocol parsing framework
- libtermkey - Library for easy processing of keyboard entry from terminal-based programs
- libtevent - The tevent library
- libtgvoip - VoIP library for Telegram clients
- libthai - Thai language support routines
- libtheora - Theora Video Compression Codec
- libthreadar - C++ library proposing a set of high level classes for threads management
- libticables2 - Texas Instruments link cables library
- libticalcs2 - Texas Instruments calculator communication library
- libticonv - Texas Instruments calculators charsets library
- libtiff - Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files
- libtifiles2 - Texas Instruments calculator files library
- libtiger - Rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairo
- libtimezonemap - Time zone map widget for Gtk+
- libtimidity - MIDI to WAVE converter library
- libtirpc - Transport Independent RPC Library
- libtomcrypt - A comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit
- libtoml - Fast C parser using Ragel to generate the state machine.
- libtommath - A portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
- libtool - The GNU Portable Library Tool
- libtorrent - BitTorrent library with a focus on high performance & good code
- libtranslit - ASCII to Unicode transliteration library with multiple backends
- libtrash - Libraries to move files to a trash-folder on delete
- libtxc_dxtn - Free implementation of the s3tc texture compression algorithm
- libucil - Library to render text and graphic overlays onto video images
- libucl - Universal configuration library parser
- libudfread - UDF reader library
- libuev - Simple event loop for Linux
- libunibreak - A Unicode line-breaking library
- libunicap - Library to access different kinds of (video) capture devices
- libunicapgtk - Library to build graphical widgets for the unicap library
- libuninameslist - A library providing Unicode character names and annotations
- libunistring - GNU Unicode string library
- libunity - Library for integrating with Unity and Plasma
- libunwind - An unwinding library
- libupnp - Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK
- liburing - Linux-native io_uring I/O access library
- libusb - Compatibility shim around libusb-1.0 offering the old 0.1 API
- libusbmuxd - Client library USB multiplex daemon for Apple's iOS devices
- libusbx - Library for accessing USB devices
- libuser - A user and group account administration library
- libutempter - A privileged helper for utmp/wtmp updates
- libuv - Platform layer for node.js
- libva - Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
- libva-intel-driver - HW video decode support for Intel integrated graphics
- libva-intel-hybrid-driver - VA driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family
- libva-utils - Tools for VAAPI (including vainfo)
- libva-vdpau-driver - HW video decode support for VDPAU platforms
- libvarlink - Varlink C Library
- libvdpau - Wrapper library for the Video Decode and Presentation API
- libvdpau-va-gl - VDPAU driver with OpenGL/VAAPI back-end
- libverto - Main loop abstraction library
- libvidcap - Cross-platform video capture library
- libvirt - Library providing a simple virtualization API
- libvirt-cim - A CIM provider for libvirt
- libvirt-glib - libvirt glib integration for events
- libvirt-python - The libvirt virtualization API python2 binding
- libvisio - A library for import of Microsoft Visio diagrams
- libvisual - Abstraction library for audio visualisation plugins
- libvmime - Powerful library for MIME messages and Internet messaging services
- libvncserver - Library to make writing a VNC server easy
- libvoikko - Voikko is a library for spellcheckers and hyphenators
- libvorbis - The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec
- libvpx - VP8/VP9 Video Codec SDK
- libvterm - An abstract library implementation of a VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator
- libwacom - Tablet Information Client Library
- libwapcaplet - A string internment library
- libwbxml - Library and tools to parse, encode and handle WBXML documents
- libwebcam - A library for user-space configuration of the uvcvideo driver
- libwebp - Library and tools for the WebP graphics format
- libwebsockets - Lightweight C library for Websockets
- libwhirlpool - Whirlpool cryptographic hash function library
- libwmf - Windows MetaFile Library
- libwnck - Window Navigator Construction Kit
- libwnck3 - Window Navigator Construction Kit
- libwpd - A library for import of WordPerfect documents
- libwpe - General-purpose library for the WPE-flavored port of WebKit
- libwpg - A library for import of WordPerfect Graphics images
- libwps - A library for import of Microsoft Works documents
- libwvstreams - WvStreams is a network programming library written in C++
- libx86emu - x86 emulation library
- libxc - Library of exchange and correlation functionals for density-functional theory
- libxcb - A C binding to the X11 protocol
- libxcvt - VESA CVT standard timing modelines generator
- libxdg-basedir - Implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specifications
- libxfce4ui - Commonly used Xfce widgets
- libxfce4util - Utility library for the Xfce4 desktop environment
- libxkbcommon - X.Org X11 XKB parsing library
- libxkbfile - X.Org X11 libxkbfile runtime library
- libxklavier - High-level API for X Keyboard Extension
- libxls - Read binary Excel files from C/C++
- libxlsxwriter - A C library for creating Excel XLSX files
- libxml++ - C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
- libxml++30 - C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
- libxml2 - Library providing XML and HTML support
- libxmlb - Library for querying compressed XML metadata
- libxmp - A multi-format module playback library
- libxshmfence - X11 shared memory fences
- libxslt - Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
- libyaml - YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
- libyui - GUI-abstraction library
- libyui-bindings - Language bindings for libyui
- libyui-gtk - Gtk3 User Interface for libyui
- libyui-mga - Libyui extensions for Mageia tools
- libyui-mga-gtk - Libyui-Gtk extensions for Mageia tools
- libyui-mga-ncurses - Libyui-Ncurses extensions for Mageia tools
- libyui-mga-qt - Libyui-Qt extensions for Mageia tools
- libyui-ncurses - Character Based User Interface for libyui
- libyui-qt - Qt User Interface for libyui
- libyui-qt-graph - Qt Graph Widget for libyui
- libyuv - YUV conversion and scaling functionality library
- libzapojit - GLib/GObject wrapper for the SkyDrive and Hotmail REST APIs
- libzeitgeist - Client library for applications that want to interact with the Zeitgeist daemon
- libzen - Shared library for libmediainfo and medianfo*
- libzia - Platform abstraction layer for the tucnak package
- libzip - C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives
- libzmf - A library for import of Zoner document formats
- liferea - An RSS/RDF feed reader
- light-locker - Simple session-locker for lightdm
- light-themes - Themes for Ubuntu
- lightdm - Lightweight Display Manager
- lightdm-autologin-greeter - Autologin greeter using LightDM
- lightdm-gtk - LightDM GTK+ Greeter
- lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings - Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter
- lightdm-settings - Configuration tool for LightDM Slick Greeter
- lightning - Library for generating assembly code on run time
- lightsoff - GNOME Lightsoff game
- lightspark - An alternative Flash Player implementation
- lightsquid - Light, small, and fast log analyzer for squid proxy
- lighttpd - Lightning fast webserver with light system requirements
- lilv - An LV2 Resource Description Framework Library
- lilypond - A typesetting system for music notation
- lilyterm - Light and easy to use X Terminal Emulator
- lime - An end-to-end encryption library for instant messaging
- lincity-ng - City Simulation Game
- linenoise - Minimal replacement for readline
- lingot - A musical instruments tuner
- link-grammar - A full-service natural language dependency parser
- linkchecker - Check HTML documents for broken links
- links - Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
- linphone-desktop - A softphone for voice and video over IP calling and instant messaging
- linux-atm - Tools to support ATM networking under Linux
- linux-firmware - Firmware files used by the Linux kernel
- linux-libertine-fonts - Linux Libertine Open Fonts
- linuxconsoletools - Tools for connecting joysticks & legacy devices to the kernel's input subsystem
- linuxdoc-tools - A text formatting package based on SGML
- linuxptp - PTP implementation for Linux
- linuxsampler - A sampler engine/backend
- liquibase - Database Refactoring Tool
- liquidshell - Basic desktop shell using QtWidgets
- liquidwar - Multiplayer wargame with liquid armies
- lirc - The Linux Infrared Remote Control package
- listres - X11 utility to list application resources
- litehtml - Fast and lightweight HTML/CSS rendering engine
- live555 - Live555.com streaming libraries
- livecd-tools - Tools for building live CDs
- livereload - Command line utility for starting a server in a directory
- lives - Free, Open Source video editor *and* a VJ tool.
- lklug-fonts - Fonts for Sinhala language
- lksctp-tools - User-space access to Linux Kernel SCTP
- lld - The LLVM Linker
- lldb - Next generation high-performance debugger
- lldpad - Intel LLDP Agent
- llgal - Command-line online gallery generator
- llhttp - Port of http_parser to llparse
- llvm - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm10 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm11 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm12 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm3.9 - The Low Level Virtual Machine Version 3.9
- llvm4.0 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm5.0 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm6.0 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm7.0 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm8.0 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- llvm9.0 - The Low Level Virtual Machine
- lm_sensors - Hardware monitoring tools
- lmarbles - Atomix clone where you create figures out of marbles
- lmdb - Memory-mapped key-value database
- lmms - Linux MultiMedia Studio
- lockdev - A library for locking devices
- lockfile-progs - Command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes
- lodash - A JavaScript utility library
- log4c - Library for logging application messages
- log4cplus - Logging Framework for C++
- log4cpp - C++ logging library
- log4cxx - A port to C++ of the Log4j project
- log4j - Java logging package
- log4net - A .NET framework for logging
- logiops - An unofficial userspace driver for HID++ Logitech devices
- logrotate - Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files
- logwatch - Analyzes and Reports on system logs
- lohit-assamese-fonts - Free Assamese font
- lohit-bengali-fonts - Free Bengali script font
- lohit-devanagari-fonts - Free Devanagari Script Font
- lohit-gujarati-fonts - Free Gujarati font
- lohit-gurmukhi-fonts - Free Gurmukhi truetype font for Punjabi language
- lohit-kannada-fonts - Free Kannada font
- lohit-malayalam-fonts - Free Malayalam font
- lohit-marathi-fonts - Free truetype font for Marathi language
- lohit-nepali-fonts - Free TrueType fonts for Nepali language
- lohit-odia-fonts - Free truetype font for Odia language
- lohit-tamil-classical-fonts - Free Tamil Classical sans-serif font
- lohit-tamil-fonts - Free truetype font for Tamil language
- lohit-telugu-fonts - Free Telugu font
- lokalize - Computer-aided translation system
- loki-lib - Loki C++ Library of design patterns and idioms
- lolcat - High-performance implementation of a colorful cat
- lollypop - Music player for GNOME
- londonlaw - Online multiplayer version of a well known detective boardgame
- lookat - A user-friendly text file viewer
- lorax - Tool for creating the anaconda install images
- loudmouth - XMPP/Jabber C programming library
- love - A free 2D game engine which enables easy game creation in Lua
- lpairs - Classical memory game with cards
- lpcnetfreedv - LPCNet for FreeDV
- lpf - Local package factory - build non-redistributable rpms
- lprint - A Label Printer Application
- lpsolve - A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver
- lrzip - Compression program optimized for large files
- lrzsz - The lrz and lsz modem communications programs
- lsat - A post install security auditing tool
- lsdvd - Small application for listing the contents of DVDs
- lshw - Hardware lister
- lskat - A fun and engaging card game
- lslk - A lock file lister
- lsm - The Link Status Monitor
- lsnipes - A text-mode maze game
- lsof - A utility which lists open files on a Linux/UNIX system
- lsp-plugins - Linux Studio Plugins
- lsscsi - List SCSI devices (or hosts) and associated information
- lsw - Prints all window titles of DISPLAY to standard output
- lsyncd - File change monitoring and synchronization daemon
- ltrace - Tracks runtime library calls from dynamically linked executables
- ltris - Game of skill with falling blocks
- ltspfs - LTSP file system, daemon that runs on thin clients
- lttng-ust - LTTng Userspace Tracer library
- lua - Powerful light-weight programming language
- lua-alt-getopt - Argument processing module for Lua
- lua-argparse - Feature-rich command line parser for Lua
- lua-basexx - BaseXX encoding and decoding library for Lua
- lua-binaryheap - Binary heap implementation for Lua
- lua-bitop - C extension module for Lua which adds bit-wise operations on numbers
- lua-compat53 - Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.1
- lua-copas - Coroutine Oriented Portable Asynchronous Services for Lua
- lua-coxpcall - Coroutine safe xpcall and pcall versions for Lua
- lua-cqueues - Stackable Continuation Queues for the Lua Programming Language
- lua-cyrussasl - Cyrus SASL library for Lua
- lua-dbi - Database interface library for Lua
- lua-event - This is a binding of libevent to Lua
- lua-expat - SAX XML parser based on the Expat library
- lua-fifo - FIFO library for Lua
- lua-filesystem - File System Library for the Lua Programming Language
- lua-fun - Functional programming library for Lua
- lua-http - HTTP library for Lua
- lua-inotify - Inotify bindings for Lua
- lua-json - JSON Parser/Constructor for Lua
- lua-ldap - LDAP client library for Lua, using OpenLDAP
- lua-ldoc - Lua documentation generator
- lua-lgi - Lua bindings to GObject libraries
- lua-logging - A simple API to use logging features in Lua
- lua-loop - Class models for Lua
- lua-lpeg - Parsing Expression Grammars for Lua
- lua-lpeg-patterns - A collection of LPEG patterns
- lua-luaossl - Most comprehensive OpenSSL module in the Lua universe
- lua-lunit - Unit testing framework for Lua
- lua-luv - Bare libuv bindings for lua
- lua-markdown - Markdown module for Lua
- lua-md5 - Cryptographic Library for MD5 hashes for Lua
- lua-mmdb - MaxMind database parser for Lua
- lua-moonscript - A little language that compiles to Lua
- lua-mosquitto - Lua bindings to libmosquitto
- lua-mpack - Implementation of MessagePack for Lua
- lua-penlight - Penlight Lua Libraries
- lua-posix - A POSIX library for Lua
- lua-psl - Lua bindings to Public Suffix List library
- lua-readline - Lua interface to the readline and history libraries
- lua-sec - Lua binding for OpenSSL library
- lua-socket - Network support for the Lua language
- lua-sql - Database connectivity for the Lua programming language
- lua-term - Terminal functions for Lua
- lua-unbound - Binding to libunbound for Lua
- lua-wsapi - Lua Web Server API
- lua-xmlrpc - Lua package to access and provide XML-RPC services
- luabind - A library that helps create bindings between C++ and Lua
- luadoc - Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language
- luajit - Just-In-Time Compiler for Lua
- luarocks - A deployment and management system for Lua modules
- lucene - High-performance, full-featured text search engine
- lucene++ - A high-performance, full-featured text search engine written in C++
- lucidlife - A Conway's Life simulator
- lumail - Modern console-based e-mail client
- lumina-desktop - A lightweight, portable desktop environment
- luna - An amazing calendar widget
- lure - Lure of the Temptress - Adventure Game
- lutok - Lightweight C++ API library for Lua
- lutris - Install and play any video game easily
- luv-icon-theme - Flat, but complex, icon theme
- lv - A Powerful Multilingual File Viewer
- lv2 - Audio Plugin Standard
- lv2-mdala-plugins - A collection of LV2 plugins ported from the MDA VST plugins
- lv2-swh-plugins - LV2 ports of LADSPA swh plugins
- lv2dynparam - LV2 dynamic parameters extension
- lvm2 - Userland logical volume management tools
- lx - Converts PBM data to Lexmark 1000 printer language
- lxappearance - Feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher for LXDE
- lxappearance-obconf - Plugin to configure Openbox inside LXAppearance
- lxc - Linux Resource Containers
- lxde-common - Default configuration files for LXDE
- lxde-icon-theme - Default icon theme for LXDE
- lxdream - Sega Dreamcast emulator
- lxdvdrip - A command line tool to rip&burn a video DVD
- lxhotkey - Hotkeys management utility
- lxi-tools - Tools to manage network attached LXI compatible instruments
- lximage-qt - The image viewer and screenshot tool for LXQt
- lxinput - Keyboard and mouse settings dialog for LXDE
- lxlauncher - Open source replacement for Launcher on the EeePC
- lxmenu-data - Data files for the LXDE menu
- lxmusic - Lightweight XMMS2 client with simple user interface
- lxpanel - A lightweight X11 desktop panel
- lxpolkit - Simple PolicyKit authentication agent
- lxqt-about - About application for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-admin - LXQt system administration tool
- lxqt-archiver - A simple & lightweight desktop-agnostic Qt file archiver
- lxqt-build-tools - Packaging tools for LXQt
- lxqt-config - Config tools for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-globalkeys - Global keys utility for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-menu-data - Menu files for LXQt Panel, Configuration Center and PCManFM-Qt/libfm-qt
- lxqt-notificationd - Notification daemon for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-openssh-askpass - Askpass openssh transition dialog for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-panel - Main panel bar for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-policykit - PolicyKit agent for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-powermanagement - Powermanagement daemon for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-qtplugin - Qt plugin framework for LXQt Desktop Suite
- lxqt-runner - Application runner agent for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-session - Main session for LXQt desktop suite
- lxqt-sudo - GUI frontend for sudo/su
- lxqt-themes - Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt.
- lxqt-themes-adwaita - Adwaita theme and palette for the LXQt desktop environment
- lxqt-themes-arc - Arc themes and palettes for the LXQt desktop environment
- lxqt-themes-dracula - Dracula theme and palette for the LXQt desktop environment
- lxqt-wallet - Create a kwallet like functionality for LXQt
- lxrandr - Simple monitor configuration tool
- lxsession - Lightweight X11 session manager
- lxsession-edit - Simple GUI to configure what’s automatically started in LXDE
- lxshortcut - Small utility to edit application shortcuts
- lxsplit - File split / merge utility
- lxtask - Lightweight and desktop independent task manager
- lynis - Security and system auditing tool
- lynx - A text-based Web browser
- lyra-cursor-theme - Lyra cursors for Linux desktops
- lyra-icon-theme - A colorful design icon theme for linux desktops
- lz4 - Extremely fast compression algorithm
- lzip - LZMA compressor with integrity checking
- lziprecover - Data recovery tool and decompressor for files in the lzip compressed format
- lzma-sdk - SDK for lzma compression
- lzma-sdk457 - SDK for lzma compression
- lzo - Data compression library with very fast (de)compression
- lzop - Real-time file compressor