Letter P

python39-cairo-devel - Libraries and headers for py3cairo

Website: https://pycairo.readthedocs.io
License: LGPL-2.1-only OR MPL-1.1
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
This package contains files required to build wrappers for cairo
add-on libraries so that they interoperate with py3cairo.

The Pycairo bindings are designed to match the cairo C API as closely
as possible, and to deviate only in cases which are clearly better
implemented in a more ‘Pythonic’ way.


python39-cairo-devel-1.26.0-1.aldos.i686 [7 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2024-02-27):
- Update to 1.26.0.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc14.al