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php-zendframework-zend-mvc - Zend Framework Mvc component
- Description:
Zend\Mvc is a brand new MVC implementation designed from the ground up
for Zend Framework 2, focusing on performance and flexibility.
The MVC layer is built on top of the following components:
* Zend\ServiceManager - Zend Framework provides a set of default service
definitions set up at Zend\Mvc\Service. The ServiceManager creates and
configures your application instance and workflow.
* Zend\EventManager - The MVC is event driven. This component is used
everywhere from initial bootstrapping of the application, through returning
response and request calls, to setting and retrieving routes and matched
routes, as well as render views.
* Zend\Http - specifically the request and response objects, used within:
Zend\Stdlib\DispatchableInterface. All “controllers” are simply dispatchable
Documentation: https://zendframework.github.io/zend-mvc/