Letter P

perl-XML-LibXML - Perl interface to the libxml2 library

Website: https://metacpan.org/release/XML-LibXML
License: (GPL-1.0-or-later OR Artistic-1.0-Perl) AND MIT
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
This module implements a Perl interface to the GNOME libxml2 library
which provides interfaces for parsing and manipulating XML files. This
module allows Perl programmers to make use of the highly capable
validating XML parser and the high performance DOM implementation.


perl-XML-LibXML-2.0210-1.aldos.i686 [373 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2024-03-26):
- Update to 2.0210.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc14.al