Letter P

perl-XML-LibXML-Devel-SetLineNumber - Set the line number for an XML::LibXML::Node

Website: https://metacpan.org/release/XML-LibXML-Devel-SetLineNumber
License: (GPL+ or Artistic) and ((GPL+ or Artistic) or CC-BY-SA) and Public Domain
Vendor: Alcance Libre, Inc.
If you are, say, writing a parser for a non-XML format that happens to have an
XML-like data model, then you might wish to parse your format into an
XML::LibXML document with elements, attributes and so on. And you might want
all those nodes to return the correct line numbers when the "line_number"
method is called on them. This Perl module allows you to set the line number.


perl-XML-LibXML-Devel-SetLineNumber-0.002-9.aldos.i686 [22 KiB] Changelog by Joel Barrios (2024-03-27):
- Rebuild with ICU 72.

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